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Wetherspoon News spring/summer 2024 edition

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Many untrue statements about Wetherspoon were made during the pandemic. Wetherspoon News sets the record straight.

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Items per page:
A moment in the sun for Court of Requests 24 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
£11m Hotel spree brings room boom 24 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Bargees bowled over by Big Bird 21 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Square meals for folk looking round 21 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Smartphone codes unveil tale of Tom 21 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Book looks at pubs that go from disused to delight 21 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Gurwinder pilots proceedings for final flight at Terminal 1 21 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Castle in the Air, Manchester 20 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Top billing for Wetherspoon, in book on cinema remakes 20 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels
Hand yourself in and we’ll put you in a cell 19 Aug 2015 Pubs and hotels