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Wetherspoon News spring/summer 2024 edition

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Many untrue statements about Wetherspoon were made during the pandemic. Wetherspoon News sets the record straight.

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Items per page:
Ask not who toils for the bell; they toil for thee 19 Aug 2015 People
Loyal Lisa scurries up rungs of career ladder 19 Aug 2015 People
Nicky takes maternal interest in beer tent 19 Aug 2015 People
Leaders kept busy studying leisure 18 Aug 2015 People
Jackie easels her way back on to artistic path 30 Jul 2015 People
Master builders of the house rewrite Les Miserable script 30 Jul 2015 People
Teen staffers help Philippa to fill up a pub 30 Jul 2015 People
Green champion Steven proves to be Rae of light 30 Jul 2015 People
Sheppard helps to tend Richmal Crompton flock 30 Jul 2015 People
Jo in full flow after 22 years on the go 30 Jul 2015 People