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Thanks a million, says CLIC Sargent

Wetherspoon’s pub and head-office staff, together with its customers, raised an incredible £1 million in six months, taking the total donated to charity CLIC Sargent to £11 million.

• Charity

The money was raised through a variety of activities including a darts tournament, pub quizzes, themed events and CLIC Sargent’s UK-wide fundraising Wig Wednesday, where pub staff wore wigs for the day to support children who may lose their hair through cancer treatment.

CLIC Sargent’s senior account manager, Liz Lowrey, said: “We’re so grateful to our friends at J D Wetherspoon who have shown such dedication to supporting CLIC Sargent.

“It’s not long since we were celebrating reaching £10 million; so, to have raised another £1 million is a fantastic achievement.

“The funds raised make a huge difference to what we can do to support children and young people with cancer – along with their families.”

Wetherspoon’s chief executive, John Hutson, pictured with the company’s head of personnel Caroline Walters (second right) and Liz Lowrey added: “Everyone at Wetherspoon and our loyal customers deserve huge congratulations for raising another £1 million for CLIC Sargent.

“We’re all very proud of our partnership with this charity. The money raised has already helped hundreds of children and young people affected by cancer – and we’re committed to helping many more.”