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J D Wetherspoon purchases The Queen Vic - Albert Square sees the pub company moving in

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J D Wetherspoon has brokered an exclusive deal with the BBC. This autumn the pub company will take up residence in Albert Square when the company purchases the Queen Vic in a controversial storyline.

 The BBC has not yet revealed the storyline details, but Wetherspoon will have some say on the drinks behind the bar.

Wetherspoon marketing assistant Hannah Brennan said: “We’ve already debated which London craft beers we would like the pub to stock as there are a lot of interesting brewers in the East End.”

 Stay tuned to the BBC this autumn to see the storyline unfold.

In case you hadn't cottoned on, Wetherspoon have no plans to move into Albert Square... Happy ‪#‎AprilFoolsDay‬!