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On-the-go coffee

Today, our pubs launch 99p take-away coffee.

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Here are five reasons to grab your coffee from our pubs!

1. We only use freshly ground Lavazza beans.

Italy wasn’t wrong when it said that Lavazza was its favourite coffee – it’s ours too!

Our staff do the daily grind themselves, ensuring that your coffee is always fresh.

2. We already sell over 50 million cups a year.

They say… if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The 50 million cups bought in our pubs last year speak volumes.

3. Our coffee is Rainforest Alliance Certified.

Our Lavazza is 100% Rainforest-Alliance-certified coffee. Lavazza has helped to build schools and communities – and has already planted 27,000 rainforest trees.

Read more about its charity and environmental work here.

4. In February, we were rated as a leading coffee shop.

A survey by Allegra Strategies places Wetherspoon as the UK’s leading coffee shop, in terms of speed of service, food choice, value-for-money and low prices.

Read more about the survey here

5. You can have tea, if you want…

Our Tetley tea is also available to take away; so, even if you’ve never been a fan of coffee, you can still get a take-away cuppa with Wetherspoon.

And, of course… it’s 99p.

So, if you need to grab a cup of caffeine on your way to the office, our pubs are the place to do it.

And, if you realise that you have more time than you thought, why not go the whole hog and stop in for breakfast?

Price and participation may vary per pub. Subject to local licensing restrictions and availability at participating free houses. Photography is for guidance only. J D Wetherspoon PLC reserves the right to withdraw/change offers (without notice), at any time. See main menu for additional details of our terms and conditions.