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Statement from Wetherspoon’s Tim Martin re EU Referendum result


Wetherspoon founder and chairman Tim Martin said: “ The referendum result will enhance freedom and security.

 “Some people will now be anxious, but concentrating on these immensely important factors will provide reassurance.

 “Anxiety about the economic effects of independence during the campaign was misplaced.

 “The UK will thrive as an independent country, making its own laws, and we will work with our good friends and neighbours in Europe and elsewhere to ensure a positive outcome for all parties.

 “The most important factor now is to work together for our mutual benefit.

 “On a practical level, from my experience of running a business, the key factor now is to avoid the appearance and the reality of rushing to ‘do a deal’ with the EU.

 “There is plenty of time and the UK is in an immensely strong position.

 “A period of calm, reflection and discussion will be beneficial.”

Tim Martin

Wetherspoon Founder and Chairman