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Wetherspoon launches 500,000 new Brexit beer mats in its pubs

J D Wetherspoon has today (Wednesday August 8) launched a new Brexit beer mat.

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The pub company has printed 500,000 of the beer mats for distribution in its 875 UK pubs.

The beer mat, signed by Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin, outlines ten points to the leaders of the three main political parties.

It is headlined ‘Free Trade (ie no deal) means lower prices’.


Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said: “ The beer mat points out that the vast majority of the public strongly objects to the crazy government plan to pay £39 billion to Brussels, with nothing in return.

“Lawyers have repeatedly said that there is no legal obligation to pay.

“That’s £600 for every man, woman and child in the UK or £60 million per MP to spend on their constituents.

“We are calling on the government not to pay the money.

“The message on the beer mat also makes it clear, that from our viewpoint, the government should also choose free trade, on leaving the EU on 29 March 2019, by ending the taxes or ‘tariffs’ which the EU imposes on more than 12,000 non-EU imports.

“Under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, EU imports would also be tariff-free in this case.

“Ending tariffs means lower prices in shops and pubs.”

The beer mat also states the following  “If the unelected President Juncker and his apparatchiks continue to be obstructive, remember that all EU products can be replaced by similar alternatives from the UK – or from the 93 per cent of the world not in the EU.

“Our good friends in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and Canada have slashed tariffs – their citizens are better off as a result, and their economies have thrived.

“And our good friends in countries like the USA and India are keen to do trade deals with us.

“So, please  show some resolve by ending these tariffs and leaving the EU completely on 29 March next year.

“Procrastination is the thief of time, so let’s make sure it is not the thief of democracy.”

Mr Martin added: “Most economists, businesses and writers mistakenly believe that ‘no deal’ automatically results in the mutual imposition of tariffs by the UK and the EU under WTO rules.

“That is not true. The rules also allow the UK to abolish current EU import tariffs, effectively adopting ‘free trade’ as a number of very successful countries have already done.

“The combination of no tariffs, resumption of control of fishing waters and the avoidance of a payment of £39 billion to the EU is far better than any deal that is likely – and this approach does not need the agreement of the EU or any other party.”