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Wetherspoon News spring/summer 2024 edition

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Many untrue statements about Wetherspoon were made during the pandemic. Wetherspoon News sets the record straight.

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Items per page:
Wetherspoon Community News 17 Apr 2020 People
Pub manager Tracey Pounds at The Green Ginger, Torquay 09 Mar 2020 People
Craig’s 20-year contribution rewarded at New Fairlop Oak 09 Mar 2020 People
After 23 years on the go, Jo slightly slows 09 Mar 2020 People
Defib duo awarded for helping to save a life 09 Mar 2020 People
Paula enjoys purple patch 20 Aug 2015 People
Ex-buttoneer Karen finds 16 years have zipped by 20 Aug 2015 People
Bridge helps Judith take steps into world of work 19 Aug 2015 People
Twin-twin scenario 19 Aug 2015 People
Pub boss leaves oasis to run across Sahara 19 Aug 2015 People